
Software Development is one of that areas that the people who are involve it will see so many aspects of it that is hard to describe to a newcomer what are the things they need to focus on. This is because the induistry has changed in a drastic way through the years and it will continue to change with time to time. Now a thing that people should understand in the industry is that everything is related to the base product which it is the code. With new type of frameworks and the way we handle the process to deliver requirements, the first that thing that matters the most is that it should work not matter the cost. Now I am not saying that delivering a perfectly documented code that doesn't work is a better solution, we should always deliver a working product to clients. Yet we have to considered the type of code we are delivering to them. Think about how easy is to maintain or understandable it is for other future developers. Cause even if this things doesn't impact us they will impact our clients in the future. Is quite unrealistic and optimistic to think that we are always going to be able to maintain the code that we have wrote in the past.Even to think that our code is perfectly understandable to all the developers. Just because this type of thinking is unrealistic it doesn't mean it give us an out so we can write bad code, we should try our best to achieve this type of ideas for our owned good and of our clients. An interesting idea that they talked in the podcast is that software development or the people that dedicate their lives to this area , will considered it as some type of craft. Although I agree with some aspects of the podcast sometimes i think this can create some kind of arrogance in an enviroment that it can quite team focused. People will think that their craft is better than the others causing friction on the development team. This is when the idea of a standard should be implemented in some kind of level and it seems it should be in the language level. In that case people could agree at least on which are the best practices depending on the language. He gives examples as doctors and lawyers but usually this type of proffesions are focused on one individual and usually what the people expect when hiring them are results doesn't matter the cost. Yet we are giving a product which more than one people can help to build and that will affect several people not only our client. Therefore we also need to understand our teammates and dicuss the best practices of our craft and leave our egos besides.


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