Meta programming helps us in creating languages or programs that could facilitate the day to day tasks. The biggest example of this case would be any low level programming language we use. Assembler is a language that requires a lot of time and knowledge so we are able to program a simple task. So of course trying to teach a lot of people Assembler , can create a lot of problems in so many areas. People not understanding the material, programs with a lot of bugs that are hard to track and of course big amounts of code to solve simple tasks causing the level of complexity to maintain that code to increase. Therefore low level programming languages were started to be created so programmers could have a better understanding on how different programs would work. Yet higher level programing languages started to emerge , cause of the facility of learning this type of languages. The biggest examples are the SQL languages , even if people don't considered it as a programming language, is a level of abstraction that help us to generate certain actions that will return us a set of data. This is a great tool that is used in so many different type of applications and that would probably take a long time to disappear. Now there is a big revolution in the industry that is changing the way people use applications and data. This is machine learning, which makes us wonder if there could a point of this technology that we could send a couple of instructions that look like day to day language and the computer would be able to translate this requirements into code? This could be the biggest idea of meta programming , that the user requires a small amount of knowledge of programming but the agent is able to translate the whole conversation into code. This sounds futuristic and is kinda scary to think about. We need to think about the implications that this type of technology can create in our society , and in which other industries can machine learning revolutionize.
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