
Ethical Reflection on Ready Player One

Ready Player One is a novel set on a dystopian future that focus on the idea of video games and virtual reality.  Even if there is a premise on finding a secret price which is a big reference to Easter eggs in video games. There is an ethical issue that we can experience at this moment with some video games. There is being a big criticism on some games that people are spending to much time on them and people loosing touch with reality. World of Warcraft is the biggest example of this, a game that was able to reach 12 Million players at one time, receives great criticism that causes people spend a great amount of time. People are not focusing on their current lives and focusing on the progress of their characters inside the game. A game where they are connected to so many people and there is a system that can create value to the different actions you do in the game. Where users are learning managerial skills so they are able to manage a large group of people. A place where the curre...


Meta programming helps us in creating languages or programs that could facilitate the day to day tasks. The biggest example of this case would be any low level programming language we use. Assembler is a language that requires a lot of time and knowledge so we are able to program a simple task. So of course trying to teach a lot of people Assembler , can create a lot of problems in so many areas. People not understanding the material, programs with a lot of bugs that are hard to track and of course big amounts of code to solve simple tasks causing the level of complexity to maintain that code to increase. Therefore low level programming languages were started to be created so programmers could have a better understanding on how different programs would work. Yet higher level programing languages started to emerge , cause of the facility of learning this type of languages. The biggest examples are the SQL languages , even if people don't considered it as a programming language, is a...


Micro services is a trend that is becoming really popular on the industry, several companies that their products were built with the monolith idea are starting to create projects that will migrate the big bad monolith into different micro services. Now there are a lot of several frameworks that are given support to micro services. From both parts from the front-end and the back-end. Takes to this advancements we are also experimenting a whole new way of creating software. The idea of server-less API is becoming more and more relevant.Front-end frameworks now are focusing on creating a complete bundle of files that the user can see in its browser and be able to talk to the different Micro services that the front-end application gives access to.  We can see on how the different technologies are moving towards this type of architecture. Now it doesn't mean that this type of architecture is the perfect solution for all the business problems. It actually can create several problems that...

Pillars & Arcs

Creating a complete program can be something so simple or complicated depending on the reach that the program needs to satisfy. This is an important idea and for us as Software Engineers something we don't need to forget. Usually as how as startups are growing in numbers and in size most of them roll with the same idea. This is that the program should only be able to solve the problems or requirements that were presented. The minimal working product that we can show to clients is the best option for developing new products. Even in the practices for managing the new startup projects are more guided to some type of Agile methodology. This is because it helps to adapt to the ideology that i mentioned before. Developing fast and minimal to the current requirements that the client needs. That is in essence the motto that a lot of companies are guided with. We can see it deviates from the old ideas of cascade methodologies , where usually it was a whole process on determining which woul...

War Games

War Games is a movie that has caused a lot of misconceptions in the general public about AI and hacking which some people have suffer from this misconceptions. The biggest case would Kevin Mitnick that the point of the prosecutor was that if Kevin Mitnick wasn't stopped at all, he could be the one that starts WW3 just as the movie suggested. We know this is false and even Kevin Mitnick suggested that was a bit of a stretch compared to his abilities. The over simplistic view of complex systems in the , and the paranoia about AI caused a lot of people to think that in reality one person could start a whole war and launch hundreds of missiles to start it. Yet an interesting view about the movie could be the AI, and we have to see the problems that can create when we let a computer to have full control of a system. In this case was an exaggeration making it seem that a computer could be the one that decides the faith of human kind. Now we don't have at this moment computers with su...


Software Development is one of that areas that the people who are involve it will see so many aspects of it that is hard to describe to a newcomer what are the things they need to focus on. This is because the induistry has changed in a drastic way through the years and it will continue to change with time to time. Now a thing that people should understand in the industry is that everything is related to the base product which it is the code. With new type of frameworks and the way we handle the process to deliver requirements, the first that thing that matters the most is that it should work not matter the cost. Now I am not saying that delivering a perfectly documented code that doesn't work is a better solution, we should always deliver a working product to clients. Yet we have to considered the type of code we are delivering to them. Think about how easy is to maintain or understandable it is for other future developers. Cause even if this things doesn't impact us they will...


Architect, probably the highest title there could be in the software development area apart from Chief Technology Officer. People who have reached this title usually have a lot of experience and being in the game for a long time. Now this title we understand is hard to get, yet sometimes people decide to get this title by just the fact of time is not the best solution. Big tech companies usually guide their interviews based on one element of the whole development environment. This is that algorithm and data structure questions. This is a good practice but to a certain level. Usually this tests are used to determine the knowledge and critical thinking a candidate applied to a certain problem. This problem should be solved with the different tools a developer could have at it's disposal. Usually with an experienced developer the questions shouldn't be a big problem for them. The only problem is that there are a lot of problems in different projects that are not necessarily relate...